Single Herbs
Individual herbs should be taken only with the advice of an experienced Shaka Vansiya Ayurvedic practitioner.
Ayurveda is the oldest organized herbal medicine on the planet. It teaches us that herbs have multiple effects on various systems and organs of the body. The effects are called Rasa (Taste), Gunas (Qualities), Vipaka (Post Digestive Effect), Virya (Potency), and Prabhava (Ultimate Pranic Effect). These effects occur in in the Mouth, Stomach, Colon, Liver and other specific locations.
Sometimes, the effects in various areas are the different. An good example is honey. Honey is sweet to taste (Rasa) but heating in to the Colon (Vipaka). Therefore, it is recommended to take honey only in cool weather.
We've seen many cases of people taking raw Ashwagandha herb to help stress only to find their skin is breaking out in a rash. This is because Ashwagandha's effect in the liver (Virya) is heating. When the liver is heated it can cause it to unload acidic toxins (Ama Visha) into the blood. The blood uses the skin as a detox channel and thus the hot toxins coming out the skin create a rash.
Ayurveda understands the complex nature of herbal therapy and uses combination of herbs in specific formulations to avoid any toxic side effects.
The safest method is to use our products that only utilize the vibrational effect of the herb (Prabhava) thus avoiding any side effects and possible drug/herb interactions that can occur with raw herbs.
All of our Transdermal Creams and Herbal Glycerites fall into that category.