Ayurvedic Knowledge
Ayurvedic Lessons For My Patients
by Douglas Beech, DC
Dear Patient,
Here are 15 Ayurvedic lessons that I created for my patients. Being such a complete system, Ayurveda is very rich in knowledge. The...
Brain Boost – Jyotishmati, One of Ayurveda’s Miracle Herbs.
by Douglas Beech, DC
Brain Boost – Jyotishmati, One of Ayurveda’s Miracle Herbs.
Ayurveda has a rich and complex Materia Medica with thousands of herbs and spices al...
Vaidya Mishra's Million Dollar Face Cream
by Douglas Beech, DC
We are excited to announce our newest product called Ageless Beauty - Age Defying Cream.
This water-based re-hydrating cream can be used to nour...
Why Our Chyawanprash differs from Vaidya Mishra's Original Formula
by Douglas Beech, DC
Recently we’ve received some questions about our product Chyawanprash. The questions relate to certain ingredients that Vaidya removed from the...
Introduction To Ayurveda - Common Market 10-25-2022
by Douglas Beech, DC
On October 25, 2022 Dr. Beech gave a presentation about Ayurveda at the Common Market in Frederick Maryland. Dr. Beech discussed the history and o...
Shaka Vansiya Diet and Routine
by Douglas Beech, DC
Routine and Dietary Instructions
Dear Patient,
Thank you for your interest in Ayurveda and your dedication to health. Die...
Authenticity Of Prabahva Products
by Douglas Beech, DC
Some of you have been asking if our products are “Vaidya Mishra” products. Clearly, no one’s products are made by Vaidya Mishra anymore. Also, ou...
How To Use Respiratory Support Cream
by Douglas Beech, DC
Dr. Beech describes the mechanism by which we become susceptible to colds and steps to take to prevent infection including the use of a SVA Ayurvedic product called Respiratory Support Cough Transdermal Cream (formerly known as Cough and Colc). Also, a patient of Dr. Beech gives a testimonial about her experience with the product.
Why Herbal Therapy Sometimes Doesn't Work
by Douglas Beech, DC
Dr. Beech explains the intimate connection between our diet, our digestion and our ability of our physiology to recognize and utilize herbal preparations. He explains why Ayurveda says "Without proper diet medicine is of little use"
Why Do I Feel Heavy After Meals?
by Douglas Beech, DC
Many patients feel heaviness after eating. Dr. Beech explains why that is occurring and how to fix it.
What's My Ayurvedic Body Type & How Important Is It?
by Douglas Beech, DC
Dr. Beech discusses Ayurvedic Body Typing and misconceptions about using it for treatment purposes.
Targeted Treatment Through Ayuvedic Pulse Diagnosis
by Douglas Beech, DC
Most treatment today centers around symptoms. Ayurvedic Pulse Diagnosis is a unique ancient method that gives the Doctor the ability to ascertain specific imbalances creating the symptom or disease. As a result, the treatment protocol can focus on the etiological factors creating the disease rather than the symptoms alone.